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Adults at Iron Hall

Deepening our walk with God

Bible Study

Monday 8.00pm - 9.00pm

We meet every Monday for our Bible Study from . A wide variety studies are covered from both the Old and New Testament in order to give us a better understanding of God's Word. 

September to May only.

Prayer Meeting


Thursday 8.00pm - 9.15pm

We meet every Thursday Evening  for prayer. Interceding with God in prayer is a vital as we believe God is almighty and powerful to hear and answer our prayers.

In June, July and August a joint Bible Study and Prayer Meeting is held from 8.00pm - 9.15pm each Thursday night.

Men's Ministry


Wednesday 10.00am - 12noon

The men have Activity Mornings every other Wednesday. 

Every week they do a variety of different things from going out for breakfast, trips or just stay about the church for a bit of fun.

Men from the church are also involved in a bowls club every Tuesday morning. For more details if you're interested, don't hesitate to contact us.

Women's Ministry

Wednesday 10.00am - 12noon

The women meet for their Activity Mornings every other Wednesday. On the first Wednesday of every month the ladies have their meeting which includes a talk followed by refreshments.

They hold special breakfasts and coffee mornings or sometimes just stay at the Activity Centre for some games and chat. Every year the Ladies have an annual outing which all women are welcome to attend. They go out for a full day of activities, food & coffee and general good fun.

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